Donor Egg Bank, a California Cryobank company, offers
three financial plans, each with their own unique benefits. After comparing all
three, you may think, “I just can’t see myself choosing Assured Refund- it’s
too expensive!”
But don’t dismiss the idea yet…
Unlike plans at other egg bank programs, our Assured Refund™ Plan’s 100% money-back guarantee is designed to give you financial peace of mind. Should you not have a baby, you will get a refund -- and that’s just one of many benefits of the plan! Here are 5 things to know about our Assured Refund Plan:
That’s right – most Assured Refund applicants are approved for the plan, and with persistence we estimate that nearly 90% of enrollees are successful!
This is the most commonly-misunderstood part of the plan, mainly because the terms “cycle” and “transfer” are often mixed up. One Assured Refund cycle may result in multiple embryo transfers. Before moving on to another cycle, you must use any cryopreserved embryos and have a cycle review conducted. Good news: frozen embryo transfer costs are included in the plan and that transfer doesn’t count as one of your possible six cycles.
Ok, here’s how this works: once you express interest in the Assured Refund Plan and submit your signed medical release consent form to us, we send a form to your practice requesting details of your obstetric and fertility history. Our medical review helps determine if you’re a good candidate for the plan before any contracts are signed or money is paid. We will contact you with results within 48 hours of the review.
One of the perks of all our financial plans is that there are no additional fees to register and select a donor. Also, once you’ve selected you can still have access to check out others on the database, too – no scary commitments there! We won’t bother you with financial agreements until you’ve matched with a donor and been approved for the plan, allowing you to focus on testing and finding your perfect match.
We have set an endometrial lining minimum of 8mm for the plan to optimize your chance of realizing your dreams. So, whether you do a mock cycle for full approval into the plan, or go to transfer without a mock cycle, you need an 8mm endometrial lining for the Assured Refund Plan– and that lining is required throughout all cycles.
We know your dream of having a baby isn’t complete until your baby is tucked away safely in your waiting arms. If you do not realize your dream, we have not met our commitment to you. Contact us at (240) 778-6210 to get started with the Assured Refund Plan today!
This would be helpful to know from the communication from the staff right away as this info was found far too late for me . . .
Submitted by Marie 7 years, 2 months ago
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