Whether you are still deciding if donor egg is right for you, or you are prepping for your next DEB cycle, resolving to use frozen donor egg is a major step in your infertility journey.
To resolve a situation is to make up your mind or determine a course of action. Specifically, resolving your infertility is the process of making peace with your diagnosis and having the confidence to move forward knowing it does not define your capability of being a parent. Just like any resolution, these types of decisions take time to think about.
As much as you plan, wish, and will it to be, sometimes it doesn’t go exactly as planned. An effective resolution includes an understanding that treatment may not work the first or second time, but that you will continue to walk in the path toward your goal of parenthood.
Making small changes is another way to achieve your resolution. Overcoming infertility, as you know, is no easy task, but taking the time to slow down, educate yourself on your diagnosis, research your options and find support groups will be very helpful to you on your journey.
There are many options to grow a family, and only you can know what is best for you. Often, it is not a matter of “if” you will become a parent, but a matter of “when” and “how”. Frozen donor egg as a family-building option opens the possibilities for you to choose a donor according to your preference and not have to align your schedule with your donor’s cycle. Many consider donor egg after experiencing multiple unsuccessful IVF cycles, repeat miscarriages, or learning that their eggs are no longer viable.
We know the road to parenthood can be challenging, and we are here with you on your journey. If you haven’t been successful and are currently in treatment, we encourage you to persevere! Infertility is many things, but most of all, it is temporary if you keep trying. Call us today and let us help support you in reaching your goal of building a family in the new year.
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